

L'IFSI Le Vinatier a obtenu la charte ERASMUS+ en 2014, la charte 2021-2027 est attribuée à l'IFSI. Une politique de la formation tournée vers l’avenir ne peut pas se concevoir en faisant abstraction des évolutions en cours en Europe et dans le reste du monde. C’est pourquoi l’IFSI Le Vinatier a fait le choix de s’inscrire dans le programme Erasmus afin de s’ouvrir aux pays du voisinage européen.

 The nursing institute Le Vinatier has got the ERASMUS+ charter in 2014, the charter 2021-2027 is awarded to the Nursing Institute le Vinatier. A training policy focused on the future can't be understood in isolation from ongoing developments in Europe and the world. This is why the Nursing Institute Le Vinatier has chosen to enroll in the Erasmus program to be open to its European neighbors.  Pour en savoir plus :Durier, MC., (2017). Erasmus+, un programme dynamique et ouvert. Objectif soins et management, (256), 42-45.

Le programme Erasmus représente une opportunité pour tous les étudiants motivés. Il encourage ainsi l’ouverture vers une diversité linguistique et culturelle et il favorise le sentiment de citoyenneté européenne chez les étudiants.

 Le programme Erasmus tend à prouver que l’Europe s’incarne plus concrètement dans l’avenir professionnel des jeunes étudiants.  

Le partenariat Erasmus permet à notre institut de :

  • S’ouvrir sur l’Europe
  • Instaurer des liens avec des partenaires européens
  • Connaitre et comprendre d’autres organisations du système de santé et d’autres pratiques afin de faciliter la coopération
  • Découvrir de nouvelles méthodes pédagogiques
  • Poursuivre le projet IENE 2 (projet de développement de la compétence culturelle).

A lire : Durier, MC., (2017). Erasmus+, un programme dynamique et ouvert. Objectif soins et management, (256), 42-45.

 The Erasmus program is an opportunity for all motivated students. It encourages openness towards linguistic and cultural diversity and fosters a sense of European citizenship among students.
The Erasmus program tends to prove that Europe embodies more specifically the professional future of young students.
The Erasmus partnership allows our institute:
> to open up in Europe ;
> to establish links with European partners ;
> to know and understand other organizations in the health system and other practices to facilitate cooperation ;
> to discover new teaching methods ;
> to continue the IENE 2 (International Education for Nurses in Europe, development project of cultural competence).



Placement Offer Form

Address IFSI « Le Vinatier » BP 300 39 - 95 boulevard Pinel 69 678 Bron cedex
City Lyon-Bron
Country France
Telephone +33 437 915 029
Fax +33 437 915 069
Director  Nicole Dauvergne
Contact person Marie-Chantal Durier
Department / Function Head of Europe projects Training placement coordinator
Direct telephone number +33 437 915 185
Direct e-mail address
The organisation of the training The Nursing Institute "The Vinatier" organizes foreign students' placements in one or more disciplines, in line with their curriculum.





Department / Function Nursing units according to the needs of the student received
Description of activities Nursing care
Duration  2 months minimum
Working hours / Weekly hours 5 per day / 35 hours per week
City Lyon- Bron
Help with finding accommodation Plan of the city and major cultural events
Public transport system (map)
Addresses for accommodation
Document presenting the hospital
Monitoring The placement coordinator and / or the trainer referent monitoring ' students welcome them at the Nursing Institute and follow them during the training. Mentoring is provided by a student of the Nursing Institute. It promotes integration into local students life.



Oral and written language skills  French  English
Objectives of the training The partnership allows  incoming Erasmus students to :
- Know the French health system and identify ways to support specific people treated
- Discover the different actors involved in care for people treated in France.
- Understand new teaching methods and coaching.
- Observe and participate in various professional practices.
- Interact with students.


The certification referential standards requirements for exercising these nursing functions and tasks are composed of ten basic competences connected with different units/modules of the educational and training programme. They are distributed over two basic categories: professional core competences specific to the nurse’s profession and transversal competences common to nursing and other paramedical professions.


Core specific competences:

C1. Assessment of a clinical situation and the establishment of diagnosis in nursing care: this includes: assessing health needs and expectations of a person or a group of persons; analysing a health care situation and making related interpretative assumptions; developing a clinical situation diagnosis and/or a nursing diagnosis based on the responses to issues connected with the health of an individual or a group of individuals/a community and identifying the necessary nursing care action to be undertaken; assessing the risks in a situation of emergency, violence and abuses, and identifying the priority measures to be undertaken.

C2: Design and management of a nursing care project: Development of a nursing project in a multiprofessional context; implementation of nursing care actions in conformity with quality and safety related regulation, procedures and instruments (hygiene, asepsis, vigilance ...); adaptation of nursing care protocols to individuals, situations and contexts; accompanying and guiding individuals in their health care pathways; identification of risks connected with care provision situations and determination of preventative measures and/or adapted corrections; planning and implementation appropriate measures in an emergency situation or a crisis with reference to exiting protocols.

C3. Accompanying a person during the process of carrying out daily healthcare: assessing the individual’s capacity to perform daily life activities and accompanying him/her by encouraging the participation of the entourage; adapting the patient’s daily care needs by taking into account his/her resources, deficiencies or disabilities; assessing the evolution of the individual’s capacities to take in charge his/her own healthcare.

C4. Implementation of diagnostic and therapeutic actions: preparing and implementing drug treatment and testing safety rules; preparing and implementing drug treatment and testing according to the rules of safety, hygiene and aseptic; organising the administration of medication according to prescription, ensuring compliance and continuity of the treatment; implementing treatment protocols tailored to the clinical situation of a person; initiating and adapting the administration of analgesics and dealing with vaccination; use of therapeutic and psychotherapeutic techniques as part of a multidisciplinary team; planning, installing and using the operational medical equipment and devices necessary for the patient’s comfort and treatment; prescribing medical devices according to the rules of a good practice.

C5. Initiating and implementing educational and preventative care: accompanying the patient in the processes of learning about how to take care with his/her health and related treatment; developing and implementing counselling, health promotion and preventative actions to meet the needs of the target population; providing healthcare and prevention related educational activities to individuals and groups; developing, formalising and implementing a therapeutic educational project.

Transversal competences:

C6. Communicating and conducting a relationship in a healthcare context: receiving and listening to a person asking for healthcare and taking into account his/her life story and its context; looking for and creating a climate of trust with the patient and his/her entourage for a therapeutic alliance; informing the patients about the provided treatment and seeking their consent; conducting a communication and therapeutic based approach suited to patients and their entourage/relatives according to the identified specific situations.

C7. Analyzing provided healthcare and improving its related professional practice: assessment of provided healthcare services and the implementation of nursing protocols according the principles of quality, safety, ergonomics, and satisfaction of the care recipient; analysing and adapting the nursing professional practice according to regulations, ethics, deontology, and evolution of science and technology; contributing within the team to the improvement in the quality of healthcare provision through the use of scientific methods; evaluating the application of tracking rules and regulations regarding the input-output movements of medical materials and devices with the aim of identifying any non-compliance.

C8. Research and analysis of professional and scientific data: identifying and analyzing documentary resources; questioning and analyzing scientific data and / or professional data; selecting methods and tools of investigation adapted to the subject matter and implementing them; writing and presenting professional documents for written or oral communication purposes.

C9. Organisation and coordination of healthcare actions: organisation and distribution of healthcare activities within the team based on employees’ skills and the everyday context; coordinating healthcare and help actions to the person being treated in cooperation with the various health, social and home help actors; cooperating within a multi-professional teams with the aim of optimising the management of healthcare and medico-social actions.

C10. Informing, and training professionals and trainees: organisation of information provision and hosting of new trainees and professionals within the healthcare organisation / institution; organization and supervision of the learning activities of students/trainees; supervising and evaluating the collaboration actions of AS (auxiliary nurses), AP (childcare auxiliaries), AMP (medico-psychological auxiliaries) and taking into account their level of competence and actions; facilitating debates and discussions concerning healthcare actions and their organization with involved actors.

2. Organisation of the educational programme:

The educational and training programme is based on VET referential standards in nursing and it is implemented within one of the 33 accredited training institutes for nurses (IFSI – Instituts de Formation en Soins Infirmiers) in France. As detailed in the table 2 below, it is composed of five interrelated types of educational and training units distributed over the main fields of study in connected with competences to be acquired in nursing:

Units (UE 1.1.S1 to UE 2.11.S5: 42 ECTS) considered as “contributory units” to the development of the core nursing knowledge as they cover two basic areas: “humanities, social sciences and law (15 ECTS)” & “biological and medical sciences (27 ECTS)”.

Units (UE 3.1.S1 to UE.4.8.S6: 40 ECTS) considered as “constitutive units” specific to the development and the acquisition of knowledge and competences in nursing, as they are part of two subject areas in nursing: “sciences and techniques in nursing: fundamentals and methods (15 ECTS)” & “Sciences, techniques and nursing interventions (25 ECTS)”.

Units (UE 5.1.S1 to UE 5.7.S5 -S6: 26 ECTS) considered as “integration units” of different forms of knowledge and competences in nursing developed and acquired through situated learning, as they are part of the subject field of “integration of knowledge and situated professional postures in nursing”.

Units (UE.6.1.S1 and UE.6.2.S1 to S6: 12 ECTS) considered as “transversal units” integrating within the field: “work methods”. They allow student nurses to develop their transversal knowledge and competences.

Units (UE 5.8.S1 to S6: 60 ECTS) connected with the development and the acquisition of practical knowledge and competence at workplace through the undertaken “mandatory clinical traineeships” of 2100 hours over the whole duration of the curriculum implementation.

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